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Sunday, January 9, 2011


Week One
January 2, 2011
Wikipedia says:                                                     
An alien who is legally permitted to remain in a country which is foreign
to him or her.
An introduced alien, non-indigenous, or non-native species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its native distributional range, which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental. 

During my yoga training we spent some time doing this exercise which was absolutely fascinating to me. We were asked to go outside and explore what ever was present in front of us like we were plucked out of our home environment and placed right here in this now, this moment.  We were aliens and everything we saw, felt, heard, all the senses and beyond, we were experiencing for the first time.  Being totally present like living through the eyes of a child is such a gift to ourselves. 

Now that's a challenge!
                                                                   Contributed by Manuel Rocha

As we start the new year,  what better then to start with a fresh look at ourselves and our world around us.  Although it may be scary, take a leap and see where you may land.   There is such beauty and awe here. 

                                 Click here

  My entire life I have always felt different. It took me years to embrace the concept that being uniquely different is ok.  My inquisitive nature with a huge dose of creativity seems to also be related to being on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius (yet another subject to learn more about).  There is so much out here in this life to explore, experience and ponder over.  

How could I ever be bored!!
As I keep being reminded (as clutter continues to build up)
Simplicity is so sweet.
My Soul Support card draw today reads:
If you want clarity ... Clear the space.  
I am working on cleaning out the clutter in my mind. so I can see what’s in front of me and be with it. 
Letting go of old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve me. 
A way to grow, evolve and awaken to my best intentions, by truly seeing and being.
So as the first week blasts off I want to remind myself that to experience the world as new, I must be a good listener with open eyes and mind, and of a curious nature (no problem with that here). 
Enjoy your week's homework.  Am anxious to hear how it goes for you. 
See you next week. 
Much laughter and love!

 Special contributor, Peg Neal.   

Thank you Peg for your sense of humor and so much more.

A big thanks goes out to a most admired and extremely talented friend, 
Kim Ort.


This post made me think of your project.
As for this week's word, it made me think of myself, being a resident alien of the U.S., also feeling like an alien some of the time, in what I think about. I am loving the internet because I can express my alien self and find that there are others out there who relate. :)
So, anyways, I was looking over my photos from the last year to create a picture of my year for today's blog post, and thought I would look to see if I could find one that represented the word alien to me.
I came up with 3 and I'll let you pick one.  (Had to share all three)

Being an alien distorts who you really are.

Feeling like an alien intruding on this wild and wonderful place.

Sometimes even when we stand out from the crowd, we feel like an alien.
Love, Kim


  1. From Leslie:
    ALIEN...i LOVE being thought of as something/someone refreshing to know you are not one of the sheep in the crowd....who wants to be just like everyone else! I guess I had a lucky life as a child....always being encouraged to think for myself, and to believe that I could accomplish anything I wanted to, as long as I worked at it. And I am constantly getting better at trusting and going with my intuition...not thinking things out with my head...the path it takes me always is the right one. When I come across someone in the street who is a stranger, or who looks different, I am intrigued by them, and want to know them, because I know I will learn something new, and that's what feeds us in this life...experiencing and meeting new and different things and people. Some people fear aliens, because they are afraid of them wanting to take something away from them...others, like me, greet them with open arms. We are all composed of so many different inputs, we need to celebrate and feel strong about our differences, and be willing to open and give of ourselves ( matter how alien we may seem) to each other. xo

  2. From Sugar:
    I really feel alien to the entire concept.

  3. From Annie:
    "ALien is such a great word to begin with as I struggle to figure out how market a business when all I am supposed to be doing feels so flippin' alien to me. I am learning to trust, however, that no matter how impossible the situation seems, it will all work itself out. I am no dumb ass--I mean, hell's bells, I learned how to talk to people having a psychotic break in an emergency room when I was  a social work grad student, I lived through 3 stats classes....I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!!! :) Best of all, I am learning that everything about me that is so weird, so kooky is actually the biggest blessing. Now how I use that to help people and make a career of my skills working for the crap out of me. But I am learning to Let Go and Let Spirit. I don't have to figure it all out, and I understand and believe that my smart assed, silly Guardian Angels and my family in the Spirit world are all pulling for me big time. Between all of us, we will get it figured out. And probably step #1 is to stop feeling so alien and celebrate the process of birthing who I am and what I can do."

  4. From KB: Wondering if Alien's become "walk ins"???
    Sunday, January 2, 2011 6:55PM

  5. From KIm: A is for awesome start! Love this, Carol.
    Sunday, January 2,2011 7:16PM
