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Monday, April 25, 2011


And the question is ...?  I think I'll go sleep on that one like a Queen.
Do you have a question to share?

I slept so well last night. So, is that the way a queen sleeps?
A question to ponder on ... Who do you think you are?
Are you what your thoughts are? Are you defined by other's opinions?
Have you introduced yourself to your true essence? Can you find it amongst the rambling thoughts that occus within your head?
As I delve into all the thoughts inside that have put me in a place of question, I start to see clearly the life imprints I have owned. Now I see that doesn't need to define me.
Those rambling thoughts no longer control me, nor shall any situation, thought or person.
My exploration in observing continues...
Join me in diving in deep to explore our inner being?
I am growing in my true passion and it feels so free.

Monday, April 18, 2011


This week was going to be about Patiences in Postures as I start into the Asana part of the Eight-Limb Path of Yoga studies.   Timing is just so magical and I must share with you the six month course I am embarking on this week called PLAYING BIG! (and it's the P week).   Playing Big is a leadership development program for women.  To read more about it click on this link: 

Somewhere along the way I heard it described that there is a big YOU hole in the universe that only YOU can fill and it is your gift to give back to this world.  So, here I go......

Monday, April 11, 2011

Opening to OM

Om is a very interesting word.  We find the same sound and letters in Home or Mom.  Now that's pretty comforting.  Om is an ancient, universal sound that is said to be the collective of all sounds and vibrations.   
When OM is chanted it seems to have a relaxing benefit to the body and mind.  
Sometimes we can be at a certain location that we feel lots of vibrations like in nature.  These vibrations have the same essences and effects as saying or chanting Om.  The word Amen also creates the same calming and peaceful qualities. 
This week I am blessed with new knowledge and experience from a Yoga for Golfers training I just completed in Scottsdale AZ.  I will be doing some deep breathing, which is a lot like chanting Om, this week to calmly assimilate all the great info and experiences had.  For all you golfers out there, don't forget to deeply breath during your pre-shot routine to help your body relax. Again, focus on the breathe into that delicious shot that is ahead. 
Join me in taking a nice slow deep breath in through the nose and then chanting with your mouth open
Let's raise the vibration of this world together.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

N is for Niyamas

One of the eight-limb paths of Yoga are the Niyamas.
Niyamas are the five observances.
Those observances are:  Sauca which is purity, Santosa which is contentment, Tapas which is  zeal, Swadhyaya which is self study and Isvara-pranidhana which is devotion to a higher power.

As I continue along this path of my year long study of  Meditation from the Mat by Rolf Gates and Kartrina Kenison,  at present the Niyama I am studying is Svadhyaya.

This past week was quite the ride with my meditation in motion.  I dove into using yamuna balls placing them in varies areas of my body that I was holding tension, stress, life imprints and more, then I began my meditation with deep breathing and releasing.  Going really deep into my body and soul.  A thought I share from the Meditation in Motion book is that  an entire universe resonated within me, and the postures and the breath teach me to embrace this universe.  The postures and the breath form a bridge between the wisdom of the mind and the wisdom of the body.

Svadhyaya,  self-study and the study of self, has many aspects.  It is a practice in truthfulness, it is to be open to inspiration where you find it, its humility.  It is the moment in our journey when we let go of results and wholeheartedly embrace the process.
I just recently had a conversation with my father and shared with him I felt I was a student of life.  I continue to study and learn more everyday.  Every little bit of wisdom is precious.

  My nightly view;  perfect for study of self through meditation!

Take time this week for yourself.   What will you find in your study of self?