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Monday, April 18, 2011


This week was going to be about Patiences in Postures as I start into the Asana part of the Eight-Limb Path of Yoga studies.   Timing is just so magical and I must share with you the six month course I am embarking on this week called PLAYING BIG! (and it's the P week).   Playing Big is a leadership development program for women.  To read more about it click on this link: 

Somewhere along the way I heard it described that there is a big YOU hole in the universe that only YOU can fill and it is your gift to give back to this world.  So, here I go......


  1. And on to the postures.... Our Posture in Life !
    Truly each step we take is the start of a fall and it is our awareness that determines what or where the next step, and how the next step will be.
    Therefore, balance plays such a huge role in everything.
    The more balanced we feel in our bodies, the less restrictions we encounter, allows for a fluidity in everything. Everything ... now that's alot.

  2. Proprioception... In writing, space, music... hmm, always learning and loving it.
